Matt Adam

Matt Adam serves as Executive Vice President & Chief Talent Strategist for NAS. Having spent 20 years as a recruitment strategy consultant for a diverse client roster, Matt has worked with a wide variety of organizations to develop effective recruitment marketing strategies that define and shape an organization’s recruiting efforts in today's interactive marketplace. He is a featured speaker at various organizations including SHRM, CUPA and NAHCR.

Recent Posts

Is your career site lost in cyberspace?

Topics: career sites, SEO, candidate experience

Posted by Matt Adam on Jun 30, 2016 9:00:00 AM


Connecting to top candidates is the key to recruitment success. But what if your ideal candidate can’t find their way to your career site? What are some of the ways you can reach out and engage the talented professionals you need to keep your organization strong and growing? Let’s cover the basics:

 You have to use a multimedia approach to reach great candidates.

Gone are the days when you could advertise in one media and find all the candidates you were looking for. Today the media world is extremely fragmented and only getting more so. Targeted media falls into two main buckets…it is either offline media (like newspapers, trade journals, direct mail, radio, billboards, transit advertising, etc.) or online media (such as job boards, banner ads, e-blasts, social networking sites, virtual worlds, you name it). The correct mix is determined by your budget, the target market, the number of people you need to fill and the geographic locations of the jobs.

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Kindergarten for career sites: Best practices to enhance the candidate experience

Topics: career sites, candidate experience

Posted by Matt Adam on May 5, 2016 9:00:00 AM



You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Web-pression.

So, you’ve got lots of great candidates coming to your site. These are smart people you desperately want to hire. Let’s break down, in very simple terms, what a candidate wants when they visit your website. To make this easy to remember, let me take you back to a great teacher from your past…your kindergarten teacher. Kindergarten is when you learned your vowels. Everyone remember their vowels? A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y. Every word has got to have at least one of these and, in my opinion, every website has to have ALL of them. Let’s drill down on each.

A: Authentic. Your site has got to be authentic and real. Here are a few guidelines to make sure your site delivers on this tenet. Cut the corporate mumbo jumbo. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see. Candidates don’t read sentences, let alone paragraphs and paragraphs of information on the web. They scan; they look for facts and figures and the information most useful to them. Focus on the differentiators. Include content that sets you apart, rather than information that sounds just like what everyone else is saying.

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