Gavin Provins

Gavin Provins is the Data Mapping Specialist at NAS Recruitment Innovation. He has a bachelor’s degree in marketing and public speaking from Ohio University, has held various project management roles and has been focused on our ACTIVATE™ platform for the past several years.

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Title Fight: 5 Mistakes Companies Make with their Job Titles

Topics: SEO, job titling

Posted by Gavin Provins on Apr 21, 2016 9:30:00 AM


Job Titling is not necessarily the first thing you think of when developing your recruitment strategy. But, it’s definitely the first thing that candidates are thinking of – most start by typing a job title into a search engine. That’s why it is important to title your jobs correctly, so that there is a match with the people who are actively looking for the job.

 As the Data Mapping Specialist for our ACTIVATE™ Candidate Attraction Platform, I see a lot of job titles from companies in many different industries. Here are some common mistakes that could hinder your ability to reach individuals who could be a perfect fit for your organization.

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