Eric Brill

Eric Brill is the Director of IT at NAS. With the company for 23 years, he oversees all technology initiatives, including our ACTIVATE™ platform.

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Does the data in your ATS have “the right stuff?”

Topics: HR tools, talent pipeline, ATS

Posted by Eric Brill on Feb 13, 2020 11:51:09 AM


If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: for recruitment success, you need to optimize the candidate experience. But have you ever considered how the data in your ATS can positively or negatively impact the job-search experience? You can make a few relatively easy adjustments to ensure job seekers get what they want and need.

Job categorization
The job categorization in your ATS needs to be candidate-centric. Some organizations categorize in a way that fits the internal needs of their hiring or charge-back process and not the needs of job seekers.

  • Don’t make your categorization overly complex; it needs to represent the way your candidates are most likely to search.
  • Employ job families, then sub-categories to help candidates drill down.
  • Find the right balance: you can err in making categories too broad or too specific.

Think like a candidate. Your ATS job categorization should not be self-serving, but rather candidate-serving.

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