Allison Padgett

As Digital Marketing Manager for NAS, Allison brings almost 20 years’ experience to the team. She specializes in PPC/SEM and social where she brings her expertise in planning, strategy and execution by creating employment marketing campaigns for numerous NAS clients. Not only is Allison determined and motivated about her work, she is also a very dedicated wife and mother to two children. Any free time she gets, you can find her volunteering at the school helping children read or spending time with her family.

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Getting the gist of Google Ads

Topics: recruitment marketing, recruiting with Google, recruitment strategies, Google Ads

Posted by Allison Padgett on Jan 8, 2020 11:28:02 AM


Making our way in the fiercely competitive landscape of likes and clicks is tough. Fortunately, Google Ads is here to help. Advertising with Google allows you to control your messaging, own your search engine results page (SERP) and build your career brand – all while targeting the candidates you desire.

Google Ads has two components that we use on a daily basis for our clients at NAS, the Search Network and the Display Network.

Google Display Network
The Google Display Network reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide. Google Display is divided into two segments: retargeting and managed placement. Managed placement is all about targeting the audiences and content of websites that are related to what you are promoting, while retargeting is used to keep past visitors to your site engaged.

Managed placement advertising allows us to target the passive job seeker. The user may not exactly be in “job search mode” but while going about their normal internet activity they will see your ads, thus creating awareness.

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